Bulk Ordering

We are your go-to source for quality promotional printing on a variety of our products that can be sold in bulk. Whether you need promotional products for your company, brand, political party, or other organization, we have a wide selection of print-ready products to choose from.

Our range of products includes Faraday key protection bags, Faraday boxes, clothing, and more, all designed with EMF protection in mind. We also offer custom printing on all of our products, so you can personalize them with your company or brand logo, or any other artwork or message you'd like.

To place a bulk order, simply email bulk@thefaradayco.com with the details of your order, including the product (with a link to the webpage if possible), quantity, your artwork (.jpg, .psd, .pdf, .eps) and any other relevant information. We'll provide you with a quote and timeline for delivery within 24 hours.

Thank you for choosing The Faraday Co. for your bulk Faraday needs!