How Thieves Are Stealing Cars with RFID Extenders: A Look at the Growing Problem in Toronto

How Thieves Are Stealing Cars with RFID Extenders: A Look at the Growing Problem in Toronto

The use of RFID extenders to steal vehicles has become a major issue in Toronto and other cities around the world. RFID extenders, also known as relay attacks, are a type of technology that allow thieves to extend the range of a radio frequency identification (RFID) signal. This enables them to unlock and start a car without having to physically access the vehicle. According to Toronto Police, there have been over 400 reported cases of car theft using RFID extenders since 2018.

RFID extenders work by amplifying the signal from a key fob, which is the device used to unlock and start a car. The extender is placed close to the key fob and is able to capture the signal from the fob and then transmit it to a receiver. This receiver is then placed near the car and is able to unlock and start the car. This method of theft is particularly dangerous as it does not require any physical access to the vehicle, meaning that the thief can remain undetected.

The use of RFID extenders has been on the rise since 2018, with reports of them being used to steal cars in all parts of the world. In Toronto, the number of reported cases of car theft using RFID extenders has increased significantly since 2018, with police reporting over 400 cases in the last two years. This is due to the fact that these extenders are relatively cheap and easy to obtain, and can be used to steal cars from a distance, making them difficult to detect.

Fortunately, there are ways to protect your car from being stolen using RFID extenders. One of the most effective measures is to use a Faraday bag. A Faraday bag is a pouch that is designed to block any electromagnetic signals from entering or leaving the bag. By placing your key fob in a Faraday bag, you can prevent it from being detected by a thief’s RFID extender. Additionally, you can also install a RFID jammer in your car. This device will emit a signal that will block any RFID extenders from being able to detect the signal from your key fob.

Huff Post talks about it here

In conclusion, RFID extenders are a dangerous tool that car thieves are using to steal vehicles. It is important to be aware of this method of theft and take steps to protect your car from being stolen. By using a Faraday bag and a RFID jammer, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car being stolen using RFID extenders.

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